Empowering Communities and Fostering Corporate Social Responsibility
The RBB Foundation (RBBF) was created to give back to our community and show our heart. RBB's core purpose is "Empower People and Serve Others' - the RBBF is another way we do this. Through the RBBF, we extend our mission beyond electronic assembly services to make a meaningful impact in our community. Our dedication to corporate social responsibility is a fundamental part of our identity at RBB. Our goal is for generosity to be a core element of our corporate DNA, remaining even if our employees move on to other endeavors or launch their own businesses.
The RBBF is a corporate advised fund administered by the Wayne County Community Foundation (WCCF). Visit www.WayneCountyCommunityFoundation.org for more. The RBBF exists solely for enduring charitable purposes and is not available for any other use, even in an emergency.
RBBF Purpose: To contribute to the strengthening of the local community in ways which, in turn, strengthen the future for us all.
RBBF Distributions: Charitable distributions are made on RBB’s behalf by the WCCF and are subject to the restrictions stated in their policies, chief among them that recipients be officially registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. RBB instructs the WCCF via an email form. Grant requests are reviewed quarterly.
Distribution Priorities of the RBBF: RBB has selected these charitable giving priorities as most closely aligned with our mission, purpose, and core values, in this order:
Requests are reviewed quarterly by the RBBF Disbursement Team with a focus on proposals that resonate with RBB’s commitment to community service and social responsibility. RBBF will be in contact once a decision is made or if there are any questions. Requests can be for any dollar amount, but cannot exceed $2,000.
If you/your organization is selected to receive funding from the RBBF, you may be asked to share your story at a future RBB company meeting or on social media.
American made
since 1973.