Ohio’s governor has issued a “Stay-In-Place” order, shutting down all non-essential businesses. RBB is not included on this list. Many of our clients are in the medical, power management, and emergency response industries, so RBB will remain open to serve our clients’ needs.
Since we know the number of cases grows every day, we remain proactive in our approach. RBB is giving extra paid time off for any team member who feels the need to be home, either for health or family reasons. Those who can work from home, do. Currently, 77% of our staff is working- either on-site or at home. For those on-site, the RBB team is engaging in safe practices to ensure we keep our team healthy.
RBB continues to take orders. We can source raw components, as our supply chain is still strong. As the Small Batch Experts, we are uniquely positioned to find smaller quantities that other large manufacturers may have trouble finding. We will continue to ship orders, unless our clients tell us otherwise.
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. RBB will move heaven & earth to get you what you need, when you need it.
Healthy Vibes,
The RBB Team