April 18th 2013
The second day of the BioMEMS and Sensors Conference kicked off with a very interesting breakdown of the steps involved in committing to start up venture which include networking, funding, proof of concept and commercialization. Jumping in with a team of passionate individuals with a culture of positivity is critical. Patience and a little luck can go a long way too!
The presentations that followed focused on specific applications within the medical field. One focused on closing the window on HIV detection using microfluids. Others touched on microtechnologies for health monitoring, bioMEMS in continuous glucose monitoring, MEMS and microfluids for drug delivery, and smart MEMS micro pumps for infusion and injection medical devices. All of which have major influence on the future of healthcare and address the ongoing challenges that have been identified and clearly still exist.
New Device Development
As these new devices are developed and hit the market, it's important for CM's like RBB Systems to get involved early. Prototypes and early production often hit in small batches and our shop is optimized to respond! We've had a lot of interest in our show booth (located in the same space as the actual presenters) and continue to field questions related to highly technical and complex product requirements.
I am excited to share these updates during break. I'm now heading back in to learn more about new technologies and meet more interesting people! Stay tuned for Project Specialist Ross Lilley's update next week.