In Part 1 of this series, we shared the behaviors that we have found leads to customer, business, and individual success in an electronics manufacturing environment. As we mentioned before, every employee, regardless of position or length of service, has an obligation to act according to these standards.
In Part 1 we discussed how we treat customers. Here we lay out the personal conduct side of things. Next time, in Part 3, we’ll reveal how we work together. So, the personal conduct standard that we hold ourselves and each other accountable for include:
We Behave with Character
We weigh every decision based on our character as a company and as individuals. Nothing has more value than our integrity.
We are safe: We follow our health and safety policies and always seek additional ways to prevent illness and injury.
We Speak the Truth
We have no time for politics, mind games, gossip, partial truths, or outright falsehoods. Whether it is popular or not, the truth of a situation is the best basis for effective action and decision making.
We Make and Keep Commitments
We are accountable for what we say. In the rare case that a commitment may slip, we renegotiate a new promise well in advance.
We Check Our Ego at the Door
Nothing can torpedo our overall effectiveness like protecting our ego. We recognize that in business we do not always get our way. A humble, servant attitude is vital to the RBB culture.
We Seek Knowledge
We have a relentless quest for learning that matches the pace of change around us. Constant learning is our only defense against irrelevancy personally, professionally, and as a business. We overcome painful experiences by improving our methods and decisions.
We Keep Score
We know the measurements that define our success and strive to achieve ever-higher performance levels. We acknowledge effort and reward results. We understand that profitability is required for longevity.
We Share Good News
“Well done” is always welcome and encouraging.
We Deliver Bad News in Person
Email beats silence, a phone call beats email, and face-to-face beats a call.
We Admit We Are Human
We acknowledge our shortcomings with a sincere apology – without excuse, shame, or grudge.
By defining these common behaviors in terms of what they look like, there is one common understanding. Are we perfect? Well, no… but that’s why we need the standard!
In Part 3, the final installment of this series, we will explore how we work together.